Each year Rotary District 9620 runs a raffle with some very unique and valuable prizes.
This year’s raffle is now open, and tickets can be purchased online – how easy is that!
The raffle is open to anyone who wishes to buy a ticket. You don’t have to be a Rotarian to enter.
The funds raised go to three well recognised humanitarian causes that do good in our communities and around the world.

The prizes, which have been handmade and donated by Ipswich resident and Rotarian Rowarn Luder, are just beautiful.
Simply scan the above QR Code to purchase your tickets, or visit the District 9620 Conference 2024 Raffle webpage at raffletix.com.au/d9620conference2024raffle.
The cost of tickets starts at 3 for $5 and upwards.
The Greater Springfield Rotary hopes that our local community can support the amazing Rotary charities by purchasing tickets in the raffle.
By purchasing Rotary Raffle tickets, you will be supporting three Rotary causes that make a significant difference to people in need:
1. The Rotary Foundation
The Rotary Foundation transforms your gifts into service projects that change lives both close to home and around the world. It is among the highest rated Charities in the world. For more information, visit rotaryfoundationaustralia.org.au.
2. Australian Rotary Health
Australia Rotary Health improves lives for all Australians through Mental Health Research, Education and Awareness. For more information, visit australianrotaryhealth.org.au
3. ShelterBox Australia
ShelterBox exists to ensure no one is without shelter after disasters of conflict. A global charity that often works in places that others don’t, making sure that they reach families who need support to take the next step in resuming their livelihoods. ShelterBox is Rotary’s partner in delivering emergency humanitarian aid past disasters and significant people displacement caused by conflict. For more information, visit shelterboxaustralia.org.au.
Good luck to everyone and have a Happy New Year 2024!
– Sue Roger
Community Services Director
The Greater Springfield Rotary Club meets every Thursday from 6:30pm at the Aveo auditorium, at 2 Symphony Way, Springfield Central. Meat tray raffle fundraising night takes place Fridays from 6:30pm at Ballistic Beer Springfield.
Important note: The club is closed during January. Weekly meetups will reconvene from Thursday, February 1.
See also: Ipswich hospital donations for new mums