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Springfield Central Library was the most popular Ipswich City Council library in 2022, according to recently released statistics.
It welcomed a total of 208,989 visitors, a 17 per cent jump year-on-year.
It also topped the region’s libraries for total book loans and new memberships.
That means in all three categories it beat out major sister libraries – at Ipswich Central, Redbank Plains, Redbank Plaza, and Rosewood.
And nearly all visitors reported satisfaction with the library, according to results from the 2021-2022 Ipswich Libraries Survey Report.
From a pool of around 1,500 respondents in that survey, 98.4 per cent said they were satisfied.
The belief that library services are important had also risen – up 15 per cent from 2020.
Read more about the annual results here.
The $2.8 million two-level building opened in August, 2018.
It is located on the corner of Main Street and Sirius Drive, Orion Springfield Central.
Early literacy and diversity
Families can now borrow special early literacy kits from Springfield Central Library that teach about disability and diversity.

These new “Story in a Box” kits each contain books in the “Stories for Little Queenslanders” series, as well as puppets, props, and other kindergarten level materials.
They include braille and Auslan resources to support the youngest members of the Low Vision and Deaf Communities.
It is part of the Queensland Government’s First 5 Forever initiative, for which the State Library of Queensland is partnering with Ipswich City Council to deliver the kits locally.
The aim is to build a strong early literacy foundation for all Queensland children aged up to five years old.
Community, Culture, Arts and Sport Committee Chairperson Councillor Andrew Fechner said the project is an “innovative approach” to early literacy.
“These kits have books that will include braille translation, Auslan flashcards and books, and a range of other materials that will support group learning.”
The “valuable and inclusive” learning resources are perfect for families who find traditional literacy more of a challenge, and playgroups that lack the funds, Mr Fechner explained.
The kits also incorporate First Nations and Indigenous Australian themes.
Local Indigenous Knowledge Centres (or IKCs) are also recipients of the materials.
Disability workshops – March 21
Springfield Central Library is inviting residents who live with a disability, and their carers, to participate in one of two consultation workshops, later this month.

It is part of Ipswich City Council’s new “Inclusion and Connectedness Plan,” and is designed to reduce and remove barriers people with disability experience in the community.
The workshops allow you to “have your say in shaping an inclusive Ipswich”, according to the council’s website.
They take place at the library, in either the morning (9am) or afternoon (1pm), on Tuesday, March 21.
Tickets must be booked online through Eventbrite. Details and registration links are provided below:
Inclusion and Connectedness Plan Workshops – 21 March
Location: Springfield Central Library, corner of Main Street and Sirius Drive, Springfield Central.
21 March, 2023 – 9am to 12pm – workshop for people who assist or care for a person living with disability. Register here.
21 March, 2023 – 1pm to 4pm – workshop for people living with a disability. Register here.

See also: Hearing the importance of sign language education