Springfield Central Library will be offering a range of events and activities for kids during these school holidays.
Proudfoot and Friends Live at the Springfield Central Library
Day: Thursday April 4
Time: 10:00am to 11:00am
Foot stomping family fun!
Enjoy a hilarious, sing-along story time with award winning First Nations performer Lucas Proudfoot. Be entertained by Lucas, his guitar, stomp-box and didgeridoo during this rib-tickling, toe-tapping performance.
Bookings limited. Please book for every person attending regardless of age – including babies.
3-7 years with parents and/or carers
If the event is full, please add your name to the waiting list. If tickets become available, you will be notified.

Road-Test a Robot
Day: Tuesday April 2
Time: 3:30PM to 4:30PM
Location: Children’s Area
Library bots, roll out!
The bots are on the move these holidays! Drop in and Road-Test a Robot; if you like it, you can take it home for the holidays.
Bots available:
- Sphero Bolt
- Beebot
- Ozobot Evo
- Dash
- Cue
One bot per borrower – Bots subject to availability.
No Bookings required.
Ages 5+ with parents and/or carers supervision.

Big Bang Science Workshop
Day: Wednesday April 10
Time: 11:30am to 12:30pm
Location: Level 2 Event Spaces
Edible Experiments
Dive into the kitchen and explore the science of food!
Enjoy making your very own edible science treat then watch as a real life scientist makes liquid nitrogen ice cream for you to taste.
Bookings limited. Please book for every single person attending regardless of age.Ages 10–17 years with parents and/or carers
If the event is full, please add your name to the waiting list. If tickets become available you will be notified.

Big Bang Science Show
Day: Wednesday April 10
Time: 9:30am to 10:30am
Locations: Level 2 Event Spaces
Get Ready to React
Prepare yourself for an explosive experience with Big Bang Science. Witness mind-blowing chemical reactions, ignite your passion for combustion and enjoy the unbelievable properties of dry ice. Discover the incredible properties of food and enjoy the thrill of scientific exploration these school holidays.
Bookings limited. Please book for every single person attending regardless of age.
Ages 7–17 years with parents and/or carers
If the event is full, please add your name to the waiting list. If tickets become available you will be notified.

Puppet Avatar Drop-in Workshop
Day: Thursday April 11
Time: 10:00am to 1:00pm
Location: Event Space
Personalised Paper Puppets
Drop-in and transform yourself into a paper puppet avatar with visual artist Sue Loveday.
Learn the simple process of adding a moving mouth to your handmade paper puppet then film your creation performing on the puppet stage!
Drop-in event.
Ages 7–17 years
(Parent/carer supervision required for children under 12 years)

Celebrate India
Day: Saturday April 13
Time: 10:00am to 2:00pm
Location: Event Space
Celebrate the mosaic of cultural and linguistic diversity that makes up our vibrant and thriving community these school holidays.
Drop in and explore the diversity of Indian culture through:
- Traditional music, dance and drumming
- Bollywood dancing
- Kids yoga and meditation
- A taste of Indian foods
- Free First 5 Forever book pack for each child 0-5 years
- B-Pop Crew
- Heartfulness
- Ipswich Malayali Association (IMA)
- Shen Flindell
- Varnam Cultural Society (QLD) Inc.
No bookings required. This is a drop-in event.
All ages.

To browse a full list of these school holiday activities and to register your child, visit https://www.ipswichlibraries.com.au/whats-on/holiday-program/, filter by library location “S’Field”, then click on the “Register Now” links. (This will redirect you to the ipswich.spydus.com online booking portal. Choose Springfield Central Library in the search panel.)