Young entrepreneur Kirsty Thian has launched a mobile podiatry service, Imperial Podiatry, to help greater Springfield residents get back on their feet.
The service involves driving to local residences to help cure foot woes in-home.
“I knew it was something that I enjoyed doing,” she said. “I had helped a fellow colleague with her business four years ago, and I really enjoyed it.”
Podiatrists are medical practitioners who specialise in feet and lower limbs and have been trained in general health conditions like diabetes and osteoarthritis.
“We deal with anything in relation to the lower limb, which could be removing an in-grown toenail, helping toddlers walk better, plus working with pains and fractures, and carrying out diabetic foot checks,” she said.
“I serve all walks of life, from newborns to geriatrics, so it’s really cool.”
While the pandemic was the catalyst for filling the mobile service niche, her previous patients were the motivating factor.

“They were really hoping for me to deliver a home-visit service.
“I’ve been able to come into the comfort of [one’s] own home during the pandemic. And a lot of people are working from home now, too.”
Kirsty said offering home visits was especially convenient for those whose mobility is weaker, or who are more comfortable being treated in their own homes.
Imperial Podiatry services all suburbs in greater Springfield, and some in neighbouring regions, while further suburbs are available on request – Kirsty is usually happy to travel.
Kirsty grew up in the community and currently lives in Camira. “I’m born and bred! I have a lot of connections in the area,” she said.
She is also a former elite athlete and Australian sprint champion, winning once in the 200m event and twice in the 400m. Her experiences with foot specialists during her running career gave her an appreciation for the impactful results of podiatry.
“Because I had that experience, personally I knew what they were able to do,” Kirsty said. “So I wanted to help people who had pain or ailments… to help get them back to a quality of life.”
Now 25, Kirsty is a fully qualified senior podiatrist and member of the Australian Podiatry Association (APODA) and with her own business, Kirsty enjoys being able to do things her way.
“I prefer patients to be comfortable, and I work around them and their limitations if necessary,” she said.
“I’ve worked alongside esteemed podiatrists and physiotherapists… and had the opportunity to obtain a great deal of knowledge and experience to apply to my work and skill set.”
Imperial Podiatry designs a tailored treatment plan depending on the needs of the customer, including footwear, specially manufactured custom inserts, and sports rehabilitation products.
The practice covers eligible patients through NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme), Veterans care, and Medicare.
“The NDIS gives podiatrists access to therapeutic supports like occupational therapy, so any NDIS patients who need it can be covered.”
“I have a patient with Down syndrome who can’t cut his toenails, and he will only let me do it because of the relationship we’ve built.”
“Veterans with a white or gold card have access to everything I do and it’s all subsidised. All patients have access to a wide range of footwear under this scheme depending on their needs and diagnosis. We work together with our patients to provide the best care and service.
“We also are able to refer for ultrasounds and X-rays under Medicare if needed which helps patients head straight to the radiologist rather than having to go back to see their GP.”
As to the future, Kirsty is looking to expand her home service delivery westward.
“We are just planning on home visits predominantly… [and] depending on how our expansion goes, we aim to branch out to the West Moreton area in future.”
You can contact Kirsty Thian from Imperial Podiatry on 0434 587 857 or email