It was laughter and friendship at the One and All Harmony Day Festival organised by Vedanta Centre in Springfield Lakes on Saturday, March 18.
The fun and informative event featured free entertainment for the whole family including a petting zoo, face-painting, markets, food, the Brisbane Lions teaching AFL skills, and live music from local artists.
Harmony Day is a day to celebrate Australian multiculturalism, based on the successful integration of migrants into our shared community.
With more than 400 people in attendance, the festival encompassed inclusiveness, celebration and a sense of belonging for everyone.
Charis Mullen MP said it was fantastic to see such a diverse group of community members come together in celebration of friendship.
“I think it’s a real strength to have diversity, and how lucky we to have all these incredible cultures living within a few kilometres of each other being able to share their incredible culture with each other.”
Swami Atmeshananda, resident monk of the Vedanta Centre said it was extraordinary to see so much energy on display.
“We are really delighted that we are able to get so many people on Harmony Day,” he said.
“The unity in diversity is what one should understand in life. We may be different but we all belong to the divine.”

Harmony Day is all about inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all Australians, regardless of cultural or linguistic background, united by a set of core Australian values.
Menaka Thomas, volunteer production manager said events like today are really important because “we live in a society that is so diverse.”
“Australia is the land that welcomes and integrates people from all around the world and they call Australia home. I think it’s really important to acknowledge this is who we are, this is part of our landscape.”
For more photos visit: www.facebook.com/VedantaSpringfield.

See also: Planting a green future at Vedanta Centre