Next month sees the return of the annual Charlton’s Fishing ‘Springfield Lakes Pest Fishing Competition’ – with the goal of clearing out Springfield’s invasive fish species.
On Sunday, December 3, locals from near and far are invited to Spring Lake, the major lake in Springfield Lakes, from 7am to 2pm, with a chance to win big prizes.
This year, both sides of Spring Lake will be open to the public, giving competitive fishers more room and more choice.
The Springfield Scout Group is running a sausage sizzle fundraiser, and the Ipswich Cadets Parents Support Group will be selling cool drinks (cash only).
Registering online is essential. Sign-in and registration begins at 7am sharp.
Over 50 per cent of tickets have been sold, so those wishing to take part need to reel in a ticket soon.
Participants will be briefed on the relevant pest species and correct disposal methods. Competitors then have five hours (from 8am to 1pm) to catch as many big fish as they can prior to the 1pm weigh-in and 1:30pm prize presentation.
Biodiversity angle

Although the day’s proceedings are all in the spirit of healthy competition, the underlying purpose is to help reduce the number of introduced species of fish – mostly Tilapia and carp – that are detrimental to the region’s biodiversity.
Organised by fishing school and event management group 2 Bent Rods, proceeds from the day minus costs will go toward restocking native species in the lake.
The event is co-organised by the Brisbane Valley Anglers (BVA) Fishstocking Association and the Freshwater Fishing & Stocking Association Queensland (FFSAQ), with permits managed via Biosecurity Queensland under the QLD Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.
Competition entrants must bring a bucket – this is for bringing native fish that are caught to the nearest tagging station so that they can be tagged before re-entering the water. Worms will be available for sale (cash only), courtesy of BVA.

For more information and to book tickets – prior to December 3 – click here.
Note: Fishing in Springfield Lakes is only permitted on regulated fishing education days. Fishing is not permitted at any other time.
See also: Your spring cleaning guide