The Springfield community celebrated the festival of Diwali earlier this month, with a special event taking place in Brookwater.
Diwali is an annual Indian holiday that has become increasingly popular in Australia in recent years, and celebrates victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance.
The Springfield-based ‘Diwali Festival of Lights’ was held on Sunday, November 5, at Brookwater Golf and Country Club.
It featured a spectacular laser light show and on-stage pyrotechnics, bringing the essence of the ‘Festival of Lights’ to life, before a fireworks display concluded the celebration.
It was organised by the Indian Cultural & Sports Club (ICSC) in collaboration with Ecutas Events – and supported by the Greater Springfield Indian Association (GSIA) hot on the heels of their highly successful Dandiya Night in October.
There were also mesmerising traditional Indian musical performances, DJ music, and Bhangra dances, a dedicated children’s zone, and a variety of food and craft stalls open throughout the evening.

Event organiser Paviter Kumar Noori said he was “thrilled” to host the event.
“We are looking forward to another quality [celebration],” Mr Noori said in the lead-up to the festival.
Distinguished guests included Springfield City Group (SCG) Chairman Maha Sinnathamby and Marketing Director Narendran Sinnathamby, who took turns speaking to the crowds – as well as SCG Managing Director Raynuha Sinnathamby, Ipswich Mayor Teresa Harding, and Division 2 Councillor Paul Tully.
“There is a beautiful array of dancing, entertainment, food, stalls and a laser light show as the sun sets across our great city,” Cr Tully said on the night.
There was also a grand prize draw for return tickets to India.

Traditional spirit
Diwali, often referred to as India’s most significant holiday, derives its name from the rows of clay lamps traditionally lit outside homes. These lamps symbolise the inner light that wards off spiritual darkness.
The festival is comparable to Christmas in terms of popularity and scale in India and beyond – and in essence it is a celebration of light, hope, and community.
Narendran Sinnathamby, who is also Brookwater Residential General Manager called it an “unforgettable evening filled with joy, light, and community spirit,” and said the festival’s popularity continues to grow.
“The Diwali Festival of Lights is a great celebration that continues to attract more people each year,” Mr Sinnathamby said.
“The Festival acknowledges our multicultural community, and is set to grow like the Greek community’s annual Paniyiri celebrations.”

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