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Young visionaries impress the best

Daniel Bouwmeester    November 10, 2022    2 min read   
Joel and Avyukt show off their rewards. All images: St Peters Lutheran College Springfield.

Two students from St Peters Lutheran College Springfield – Avyukt (in Year 4) and Joel (in Year 7) – attended the third annual Maha Sinnathamby Ideas & Imagination Awards, presented at Springfield Tower.

On Friday, October 28, a shortlist of bright-eyed primary and secondary students pitched their ideas for a sustainable future for Springfield. Each student had up to five minutes to present, followed by two minutes of question time from the three Springfield City Group judges.

This year, students were asked to “Tell us what the future of Springfield will look like,” and could pick among the following themes: Technology, Sustainability, Lifestyle, Health, Energy, Transport, Creativity, and Architecture.

Joel was the youngest participant in the High School category, a great achievement in itself.

Meanwhile, Avyukt was the youngest student across the entire competition, winning in the Primary School category.

All participants received certificates, and winners also took home a generous gift card and trophy.

Two years ago, Springfield City Group Chairman and co-founder Maha Sinnathamby AM personally devised the awards to encourage students from within the Greater Springfield regions to voice their ideas and dreams for the city they call home.

“It has been some time since I went to school – and students are learning at a much more rapid rate than I did,” Mr Sinnathamby said.

“That is why I asked the students of Springfield – our residents – to tell me what is missing, what you would like to see in Springfield and what will make your life and your family’s life even better.”

Joel receiving his award from SCG Chairman Maha Sinnathamby AM.
Avyukt receiving his award alongside one very proud parent.

It is the third year for the awards. In its inaugural year, in 2020, the Special Prize winners were the combined classes of Year 1S and Year 1T from St Peters: “for their entry that considered how communities care for people” 30 years in the future.

“Congratulations on your achievements, Joel and Avyukt! St Peters Springfield is very proud of you!” the school announced on social media, last month.

St Peters Lutheran College, Springfield is a Kindergarten to Year 12 co-educational independent school underpinned by strong Christian values. It is located at 42 Wellness Way, Springfield Central. Call 3470 3888.

For more information about the awards, visit mahasinnathamby.com/ideas-and-imagination-award.

Top image: Springfield City Group (SCG).

Daniel Bouwmeester

Daniel was born in a mining town in New South Wales to Dutch and Welsh immigrants, before relocating to Logan City, where he attended Canterbury College for twelve years. He pursued his passion for music by completing a first-class honours degree at the University of Queensland (UQ), and later signed with a local record label. He has travelled the world from a young age, including a student exchange in rural France, a job working the ski lifts in Colorado, and visits to the islands of the South Pacific. After a six-year career in market research, Daniel returned to UQ to complete a Bachelor of Journalism and Arts dual degree, majoring in political science. His varied experiences at home and abroad have contributed to a passion for spreading good news while defending the truth buried inside complex societal paradigms.