An expansion to the WesTEC Trade Training Centre in Springfield comprising a new emergency health workshop and classroom was completed recently. The brand new $4.2 million Health Experiential Centre features a simulated hospital ward with eight beds plus a nursing station and medical equipment for students to take on vital practical experience. Courses making use…
The state government is planning to deliver a new Industrial Technology and Design (ITD) facility for Woodcrest State College. The proposed development will provide the school with new facilities to meet curriculum and extra-curricular needs, and support enrolments. Some of the proposed facilities include three multi-purpose workshops, an engineering workshop, graphic design studio, staff workroom,…
This weekend, Woodcrest State College will officially celebrate its 25th birthday – a remarkable milestone and testament to the enduring and ever-growing community of Greater Springfield. As part of the celebrations, from 10am, the school is welcoming everyone through its doors to join in on the festivities. “We hope you can join us on Saturday…