
University of Queensland (UQ) researchers are studying the role of "third places" in the health and wellbeing of older adults in Springfield.

UQ needs study participants aged 60 years and older

Daniel Bouwmeester December 8, 2023 3 min read 0

Do you live or work in Springfield and are aged 60 years or older? University of Queensland (UQ) researchers are exploring the role of “third places” in the health and wellbeing of older adults in Springfield and are looking for participants. By helping, you could win a $50 Coles Group Gift Card. Third places refer…

Greater Springfield is being asked to nominate new projects as part of a major funding boost to SEQ infrastructure and facilities.

Community invited to have say in new project funding

Daniel Bouwmeester July 26, 2023 3 min read 0

NOTE: Consultation period is now closed. The Greater Springfield community can now nominate new projects as part of a major funding boost to infrastructure and facilities across South East Queensland (SEQ). The SEQ Liveability Fund is a pool of $285.8 million committed by all three levels of government under the newly outlined SEQ City Deal….