resilient homes fund

A hundred Ipswich homes have now been bought back as part of the government’s Resilient Homes Fund – and be freed from future flood risk.

100 flooded Ipswich homes bought back so far

Daniel Bouwmeester November 12, 2023 4 min read 0

A hundred Ipswich homes have now been bought back as part of the government’s Resilient Homes Fund, which enabled families to voluntarily sell flood-impacted properties – and be freed from future flood risk. The program was established in May last year following the catastrophic 2021-22 rainfall and flooding events, which predominantly devastated homes in Goodna,…

The government has so far bought back 100 Ipswich homes as part of the Resilient Homes Fund, freeing residents from future flood risk.

100 homes and counting: a milestone, and look to the future

Daniel Bouwmeester October 11, 2023 6 min read 0

The government has so far bought back a hundred Ipswich homes as part of the Resilient Homes Fund, which enabled families to voluntarily sell flood-impacted properties – and be freed from future flood risk. The program was established in May last year following the catastrophic 2021-22 rainfall and flooding events, which predominantly devastated homes in…