The inaugural Valentine’s Adoption Sale, a local animal welfare initiative, took place last month, with some heart-warming results. The Animal Welfare League of Queensland (AWLQ) offered pets for adoption at a heavy discount from February 8 to 14. Adult cat adoption cost just $29, and selected adult dogs were available at $99. In total, 41…
The Queensland Government recently announced a commitment to investing $400 million into the state’s fire and emergency services capabilities and bureaucratic structure. It comes as Greater Springfield awaits the construction of a new centrally located fire and emergency rescue station in Augustine Heights. The announcement followed the completion of an independent review that recommended “more…
Year 7 students at Staines Memorial College recently took part in a ‘Great Archaeological Dig’ activity – and they certainly made some “sweet” discoveries. As part of their latest archaeology project, the class trekked to the school’s long-jump pit. The makeshift dig site was perfect for the occasion. According to Mr Jeremy Williams, head of…
Brisbane’s network of small businesses celebrated success at the ‘BNI One Brisbane Awards’ night last month, with several Springfield business owners recognised. On Friday, February 10, members of Springfield’s two local BNI (Business Network International) chapters met with their regional counterparts at The Greek Club in South Brisbane for an evening of great food –…
The Ipswich City Council is inviting Springfield residents to have their say in the 2032 Brisbane Olympics by participating in two new community engagement activities. They are the very first official steps along the ‘Ipswich 2032 Legacy Roadmap’, which the Council launched today. One of the activities is an online survey that eligible people can…
Springfield’s Orion shopping centre is partnering with drone company Wing to deliver its consumer goods to customers’ homes.
A local provider of online sign language courses is planning a new series of videos and an increased focus on community education programs to help dismantle the barrier between Deaf and hearing people. Michaela Reece operates Awesome Auslan, a Camira based education service founded in 2021 that specialises in the teaching of Australian Sign Language,…
Young entrepreneur Kirsty Thian has launched a mobile podiatry service, Imperial Podiatry, to help greater Springfield residents get back on their feet. The service involves driving to local residences to help cure foot woes in-home. “I knew it was something that I enjoyed doing,” she said. “I had helped a fellow colleague with her business…