Ed Cubilla

Councillor Nicole Jonic takes on Springfield Ipswich Chess Club’s Ed Cubilla for the inaugural match at newly installed outdoor chess tables.

Opening move for local outdoor chess

Daniel Bouwmeester July 2, 2023 3 min read 0

Public chess tables have finally been installed at Robelle Domain Parklands – thanks to the initiative of the founder of Springfield’s regional chess club. The idea for an outdoor venue was a gambit made by Springfield Ipswich Chess Club president Eduardo “Ed” Cubilla – part of his long-term goal to encourage more social gaming, especially…


Chess park captures council interest

Daniel Bouwmeester August 13, 2022 3 min read 0

Public chess tables are to be installed at Robelle Domain Parklands, thanks to the initiative of Springfield’s regional chess club founder. The idea for a local public venue was an innovative gambit by Eduardo Cubilla – who runs the Springfield Ipswich Chess Club – as part of a strategy to encourage more social and outdoor…