Sponsor Your Journalist
The Greater Springfield Times invites community minded individuals and organisations to support free and independent journalism in Greater Springfield by sponsoring your dedicated Greater Springfield journalist - Daniel Bouwmeester.
Your Greater Springfield Times sponsorship would be giving back to the community in the following ways:
Support Independent News - The Greater Springfield Times is currently the only news publication providing a dedicated journalist to Forest Lake and surrounds. Sponsoring a dedicated journalist for a community is an investment in our community’s access to independent news and information.
Shape the Identity of Your Community - The Greater Springfield Times has an emphasis on celebrating and reporting on the good we want to see more of in our community rather than headline grabbing and click-baiting with fear and problems. Your sponsorship investment will help shape the identity and atmosphere that our community lives in for the coming decades.
Give Community Groups a Voice - Our dedicated Greater Springfield journalist has built solid relationships with a broad range of community groups and organisations that are doing grassroots work on the ground and in the neighbourhoods of our community. Supporting a dedicated journalist in a community is giving community organisations and grassroots charities a voice and an opportunity to have their good work spotlighted in their community.
Support Community Events - Many community events have a limited budget for marketing and rely on the goodwill of their community newspaper to get the word out through stories and free advertising. Your sponsorship will help publicise community building events and activities.
Create History, Leave a Legacy - Journalism is writing tomorrow’s history today. Sponsoring your dedicated Greater Springfield journalist enables us to record the history of Greater Springfield as it happens for generations to come. Local history is one of the most popular types of journalism we produce.
Sponsors will be acknowledged on the Sponsorship page of our website and publications.
Meet Greater Springfield’s dedicated journalist - Daniel Bouwmeester

Introducing Daniel Bouwmeester: our very first and only news reporter for The Greater Springfield Times - If you haven't met him already!
Daniel, a UQ alumn, is a journalist with an incredible attention to detail, astounding empathy for the people he represents, and the rare ability to find and give voice to the stories that matter.
"I love the challenge of taking a physical snapshot of our frenetic digital world, one that the local community will find both interesting and informative, and be able to hold, and to protect," he said.
We couldn't have picked a better journalist to take on the huge responsibility of resurrecting a community binding magazine.