Home » Last bell rings for Bellbird Park’s first graduates

Last bell rings for Bellbird Park’s first graduates

Daniel Bouwmeester    December 30, 2022    2 min read   

Bellbird Park State Secondary College reached a significant milestone last year with the graduation of the school’s foundation cohort of Year 12 students.

The school opened in 2017 to classes of only Year 7 students – who had the special honour of growing up in tandem with the school over its first six years, symbolically leading the charge as trailblazers.

Tuesday, November 15, will forever be memorable for the students. The day began with a grand farewell at their final Seniors assembly attended by the entire school including all 1,500 students from Years 7 to 11.

The well-wishers formed a ‘guard of honour’ snaking all the way from the Sports Hall through to the school’s front gates.

Above: Principal Michael West welcoming students on the Formal red carpet. Below: One last class photo.

Later that night, Bellbird Park then held its first-ever Year 12 Formal dinner, which took place at Ipswich Rail Museum. The distinctive brick buildings lended the red carpet arrival photographs a uniquely swank backdrop.

And finally, one week later, principal Michael West handed out graduation certificates to all the proud young adults. They included 17 First Nations young people, known as ‘jarjums’.

“We congratulate our inaugural First Nations student graduates,” a representative for the school said.

“A special congratulations to Mia Warren and Mason Ah Sam who were awarded QATSIF Student Leadership Award for 2022 for their outstanding attendance, achievement and leadership.”

Above: Young jarjum Mason Ah Sam receiving his 2022 leadership award. Below: The young school’s first-ever cohort of 17 First Nations student graduates.

“Congratulations to Mia, Mason, and all of Bellbird Park State Secondary College’s deadly graduates, families, and dedicated staff,” a representative for the Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Foundation (QATSIF) said.

“Too deadly! Wishing you the brightest of futures.”

Bellbird Park State Secondary College is a co-ed school for students in Years 7 to 12, and is located at 2 Alesana Drive, Bellbird Park.

For more information, visit the website at bellbirdparkssc.eq.edu.au or contact the school on 3819 7222.

Daniel Bouwmeester

Daniel was born in a mining town in New South Wales to Dutch and Welsh immigrants, before relocating to Logan City, where he attended Canterbury College for twelve years. He pursued his passion for music by completing a first-class honours degree at the University of Queensland (UQ), and later signed with a local record label. He has travelled the world from a young age, including a student exchange in rural France, a job working the ski lifts in Colorado, and visits to the islands of the South Pacific. After a six-year career in market research, Daniel returned to UQ to complete a Bachelor of Journalism and Arts dual degree, majoring in political science. His varied experiences at home and abroad have contributed to a passion for spreading good news while defending the truth buried inside complex societal paradigms.