Home » Ipswich City Council unveils 2024-2025 budget

Ipswich City Council unveils 2024-2025 budget

Guy Hazlewood    June 27, 2024    3 min read   

Ipswich City Council has unveiled its 2024-2025 Annual Plan and Budget, outlining a path to support sustainable growth, major road upgrades, and the provision of free and low-cost services.

With Ipswich identified as one of the fastest-growing cities in Queensland, Mayor Teresa Harding spoke on the need to balance ratepayer needs with the city’s expanding population.

 “Council has set down an average general rate rise of 5.45 per cent as it sought to balance the needs of ratepayers with Ipswich’s unique position at the epicentre of Queensland’s population growth,” she said.

“Taking all rates and charges into account, this would be a weekly increase of $2.58 per week per household.”

Ipswich’s population is projected to double from 254,000 to 533,000 by 2046.

“We simply cannot stop our focus on managing this growth sustainably, and this budget is about ensuring our suburbs have quality parks, roads, pools, libraries and community facilities,” said Mayor Harding.

The budget includes significant investments in parks, roads, pools, libraries, and community facilities.

Among the major investments are the ongoing upgrades of the Springfield Parkway and Springfield Greenbank Arterial, totalling $28 million, and the allocation of $1.8 million for the Redbank Plains Road Stage 3.

There will also be continued upgrades to sporting infrastructure to meet community needs.

“We will continue to deliver the major road upgrades our city needs, including $28 million for the ongoing Springfield Parkway and Springfield Greenbank Arterial upgrades, and $1.8 million for the ongoing progress of Redbank Plains Road Stage 3,” Mayor Harding said.

Mayor Harding highlighted the efforts to manage the construction cost increases and minimise the financial impact on ratepayers, despite a 27% rise in the construction cost index over the past three years.

“Over the past three years, we have faced a construction cost index increase of a staggering 27 per cent and we have worked hard to reduce the impact on ratepayers wherever possible – as an organisation shouldering a $16 million increase in costs,” she said.

Division 2, encompassing areas such as Springfield, Carole Park, and Bellbird Park, will see significant investments to enhance local infrastructure and community facilities:

  • $28 million for the Springfield Parkway and Springfield Greenbank Arterial duplication projects.
  • $1.8 million for kerb and channel rehabilitation at Emery Street, Carole Park.
  • $1.8 million toward council’s contribution for 22B sports fields at Springfield Central.
  • $1.5 million for pavement reconstruction at Jasmine Street, Bellbird Park.
  • $1.35 million to replace lighting at Bob Gibbs Park Sports Field, Springfield.

The Division 2 investments are part of the broader $663 million budget, which also includes $203.6 million for capital works in 2024-2025 and $528 million over the next three years.

The budget aims to support Ipswich’s rapid growth while ensuring high-quality services and infrastructure for its residents.

 “We will continue to deliver a wide range of free and low-cost services for families, recognising that in the current climate it is paramount that council offers a diverse, enjoyable range of services,” Mayor Harding said.

“We will also continue to advocate to the State and Federal governments for our fair share of funding to upgrade our critical infrastructure such as the Amberley Interchange on the Cunningham Highway and the Norman Street Bridge.”

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Guy Hazlewood