Home » First community title scheme demolished under buy-back program

First community title scheme demolished under buy-back program

Guy Hazlewood    May 28, 2024    2 min read   

Demolition has commenced in Goodna on the first community title scheme to be voluntarily bought back under the $741 million Resilient Homes Fund (RHF).

This initiative, jointly funded by the federal and state governments, marks a pivotal moment in the effort to mitigate future flood risks.

The first unit is reduced to rubble in just 3 minutes at 25 Mill Street in Goodna. Source: Ipswich City Council.

The unit complex on Mill Street was severely impacted by the February 2022 floods, rendering it highly vulnerable to future flooding.

Ipswich Mayor Teresa Harding highlighted the local impact of the initiative.

“Goodna was particularly hard hit in the 2022 floods, and I am relieved that the former owners of this Mill Street unit complex have received the support they needed to move on,” she said.

“Ipswich City Council has embraced the Voluntary Home Buy-Back Program and worked closely with the Queensland Reconstruction Authority to see more than 160 Ipswich families move on from flood-impacted properties.”

Ipswich Mayor Teresa Harding and Melanie Marshall, daughter of a former homeowner at 25 Mill Street Goodna. Source: Ipswich City Council.

All 20 homeowners accepted buy-back offers last year, with the settlement finalising in October 2023.

This buy-back is part of the RHF, established under the Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) following the devastating rainfall and flooding events of 2021-22.

Federal Member for Oxley, Milton Dick, emphasised the importance of this milestone.

“Our region led the way in responding to the 2022 floods that left such devastation across Ipswich and the South-East,” he said.

“This is another milestone in our community, which is all about future-proofing our communities against flooding and natural disasters.”

The Queensland Minister for Disaster Recovery, Nikki Boyd said she was satisfied with the progress made under the program.

“I am delighted that the unit owners here in Mill Street have been able to move on, free from the risk of future flooding,” she said.

“To date, 629 homes have settled under the program out of the 684 offers which have been accepted by homeowners398 of these properties have already been demolished or relocated across 8 local government areas, ensuring hundreds of families are out of harm’s way.”

The Ipswich City Council, utilising the funds from the program, purchased the Mill Street properties and land. 

The site will now be demolished and re-zoned for non-occupied use, such as green space, enhancing the area’s resilience to future flooding.

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Guy Hazlewood