Home » Didge-ya hear that thunder?

Didge-ya hear that thunder?

Daniel Bouwmeester    December 8, 2023    2 min read   

A group of local secondary students has come into its stride in recent years with some spellbinding performances of traditional Australian didgeridoo music.

The “Didge Boys” – a talented septet of seniors at Bellbird Park State Secondary College – has been growing up over the years along with their school.

They formed in the school’s first year when it consisted only of Year 7 students, but are now a fully fledged ensemble and put in hours of practice to prove it.

“Every Tuesday, Period 3, the boys come to the school’s Culture Hub to connect and practice,” the school said on its Facebook page.

Former teacher Mr Nathan Meredith began the Didge Group when Bellbird Park first opened a few years ago.

“He built and encouraged a space of cultural knowledge and connection for our First Nation boys,” the school explained.

“Sadly, Mr Meredith has now moved onto another school, leaving his legacy behind.”

Since his departure, the boys have taken the initiative to run the sessions themselves – with help and support from Community Education Counsellor Tyeka Close and Youth Support Coordinator Jacques Borreye – demonstrating their maturity.

“Bellbird Park State Secondary College is proud to continue building on this legacy, and giving the First Nations boys the opportunity to discover cultural knowledge, empowerment, brotherhood, and leadership through this sacred practice,” the school added.

Trumpeting achievements

Founding Principal Michael West said one the school’s biggest goals is to share their achievements with the community, like the Didge Boys.

“Bellbird Park State Secondary College is passionate about your children – our students,” Mr West said.

“Together, this educational partnership will determine future success, not only for our students, but for our global future.”

Bellbird Park State Secondary College is a co-ed school for students in Years 7 to 12, and is located at 2 Alesana Drive, Bellbird Park.

For more information, visit the website at bellbirdparkssc.eq.edu.au or contact the school on 3819 7222 or by email at principal@bellbirdparkssc.eq.edu.au.

See also: Bellbird Park senior student to wow Ipswich crowd

Bellbird Park senior student to wow Ipswich crowd

Top image: Bellbird Park State Secondary College.

Daniel Bouwmeester

Daniel was born in a mining town in New South Wales to Dutch and Welsh immigrants, before relocating to Logan City, where he attended Canterbury College for twelve years. He pursued his passion for music by completing a first-class honours degree at the University of Queensland (UQ), and later signed with a local record label. He has travelled the world from a young age, including a student exchange in rural France, a job working the ski lifts in Colorado, and visits to the islands of the South Pacific. After a six-year career in market research, Daniel returned to UQ to complete a Bachelor of Journalism and Arts dual degree, majoring in political science. His varied experiences at home and abroad have contributed to a passion for spreading good news while defending the truth buried inside complex societal paradigms.