Shayne Guy, the owner of Pool Maintenance and Safety, has spearheaded a community initiative to refurbish and upgrade the pool at Transformations Brisbane, located in greater Springfield.
Transformations Brisbane accommodates up to 5 men seeking rehabilitation and recovery from various challenges.

The program comprises four stages, and several staff members boast firsthand experience with the program, adding a unique perspective to their support services.
Nestled amidst the serene backdrop of nature, the men’s house offers a tranquil environment conducive to the journey of recovery.
The initiative took flight when Brisbane campus manager Darryl Ross, reached out to Shayne for assistance.
After previously visiting the pool and establishing rapport with Ross, Shayne quickly responded to the call for help.
Despite financial constraints, Shayne rallied a diverse group of individuals, including multinational corporations and local collaborators, to pitch in for the much-needed upgrades.
With everyone generously offering their time and expertise, Shayne managed to secure essential equipment at no cost.
The pool received a significant overhaul, including the installation of a new chlorinator generously donated by Pool Systems, Australia’s largest pool equipment distributor and expert installation services provided by a local company known as the Pool Bouys.
Reflecting on the collaborative effort, Shayne emphasised the importance of community support in driving positive change.
“Everyone donated their time, and I got the equipment donated at zero cost, which was great,” he said.
The rejuvenated pool now stands as a testament to the power of community collaboration and compassion, offering a refreshed space for individuals embarking on their journey of transformation.