
Summer is the perfect time to spot koalas as it’s koala breeding season, and koalas are on the move through Springfield.

Summer is the season for koala spotting

Daniel Bouwmeester December 30, 2023 4 min read 0

Did you know that South East Queensland has the highest concentration of koalas in the state? by Luise Manning President, Springfield Lakes Nature Care, Inc. However, since February 2022 the status of the koala changed from vulnerable to endangered. Although this is not good news, the change in status does mean an increased level of…

Springfield Lakes Nature Care and other wildlife preservation groups are working tirelessly to help restore the numbers of Greater Gliders.

Endangered Greater Gliders need Greater Springfield’s trees

Daniel Bouwmeester December 9, 2023 3 min read 0

Local nature groups are working tirelessly to help restore the numbers of Greater Gliders (Petauroides volans). In the last 20 years, glider populations have plummeted across the south-east by as much as 80% and endured extreme habitat loss during bushfires. Accordingly, in 2022, the Threatened Species Scientific Committee recommended the federal government uplist Greater Gliders…


Changing season for local emergency services

Daniel Bouwmeester March 8, 2023 6 min read 0

The Queensland Government recently announced a commitment to investing $400 million into the state’s fire and emergency services capabilities and bureaucratic structure. It comes as Greater Springfield awaits the construction of a new centrally located fire and emergency rescue station in Augustine Heights. The announcement followed the completion of an independent review that recommended “more…


Endangered glider populations need new homes

greaterspringfield September 5, 2022 3 min read 0

Megan Woolley reporting Greater Gliders have officially been upgraded to an endangered species, and local nature groups are working tirelessly to help restore their numbers. On July 5, Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek accepted the recommendation of the Threatened Species Scientific Committee to uplist Greater Gliders from “vulnerable” to “endangered.” In the last 20 years, glider…


Baptism of fire for emergency services site

Daniel Bouwmeester August 29, 2022 3 min read 0

The state government finally reached an agreement with Springfield’s developers in July for a suitable plot of land for construction of the region’s urgently needed new fire and rescue station. It will sit beside the existing ambulance station on Gateway Drive, just off Augusta Parkway – the major thoroughfare connecting the Centenary Highway intersection at…