Ever felt like volunteering, but had no idea where to begin or whom to ask? Ipswich City Council’s Better Impact Volunteer Portal is a great place to start.
Around 400 volunteers from across the Ipswich region currently help the Council run smoothly thanks to accessibility tools like the Volunteer Portal.
The portal lists all currently available positions according to category and time frame, with detailed information and links for signing up.
Community, Culture, Arts and Sport Committee Chair Andrew Fechner directed residents of all ages to the website for rewarding experiences.
“If you are interested in joining a bushcare group or get involved with our visitor centres and city events, visit Council’s Volunteer Portal to see opportunities open across Ipswich,” Cr Fechner said.
Volunteering for the Council covers a range of roles, including helping out at festivals, concert groups, and poetry readings.
Volunteer locations also include public information and education centres, libraries, and history rooms, and working outdoors with bushcare, nursery, and nature centre groups.
Current opportunities
There are numerous volunteer opportunities currently listed on the Portal – most are closer to Ipswich, but some are available here in Greater Springfield.
Notably, these include the Opossum Creek and Woogaroo Creek bushcare regeneration sites, run by Springfield Lakes Nature Care and the Woogaroo Creek Bushcare group, respectively.
For more information, visit the Portal – or you can contact Springfield Lakes Nature Care via info@springfieldlakesnaturecare.org.au or visit facebook.com/SpringfieldLakesNatureCare.
Furthermore, there are occasional places for volunteers at Springfield Central Library.
Applications are accepted via the Portal – listed under ‘Friends of Ipswich Libraries Service’ or ‘FOILS’.
FOILS volunteers work closely with library staff to organise events and activities that facilitate community engagement, enrich the cultural life of the community, and promote and enhance the library service.
You have the opportunity to contribute ideas, assist at Book Sales, Trivia Nights, Lunch events featuring guest speakers and other events, and be involved in special initiatives such as the Books for Babies early literacy project.
Contact the library first to check what positions are available before applying.
Residents can access the Portal via the website.
For more information about volunteering at Springfield Central Library, visit ipswichlibraries.com.au/visit/springfield-central-library or call 3810 6815.
See also: Springfield Lakes Nature Care – Earth Day, 2023